Telephone: 0141 632 0202

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Make a Payment

For all payments please use the payment form below. Alternatively, please contact our office on 0141 632 0202 and ask a member of our team.

After completing your details below you will be redirected to a secure payment page where you can pay using Paypal or by any credit or debit card.  Your details are not retained by any of our systems and you will receive an email receipt for the transaction.

As we are collecting funds for third parties we require to add a 5% transaction fee to cover the online processing costs.   We would advise all of our clients to contact our office and arrange to make a direct bank transfer to avoid any unnecessary fees.

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Properties for Rent

View all our properties for rent. We provide all our tenants with the quality and attention to detail.

Rent your Property

Our lettings team deal with in excess of 800 properties throughout the West of Scotland.


Committed to providing an efficient, reliable and cost effective service to our clients.

Contact Us

We can be reached by telephone on 0141 632 0202 or click here to send an enquiry via our web form.

The Edzell Group was established in Glasgow in 1954, and has been successfully managed over three generations by the same family.
Today, Edzell provides expertise in three key areas: letting, factoring and investment.

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